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F.R.P. Gratings

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Our FRP Grating has not only been engineered for strength, but also to overcome corrosion problems normally encountered in industries, where various corrosive products are used. These are areas where metal gratings rapidly deteriorate, causing a constant maintenance problem. Our pultruded FRP Grating is a highly versatile material that is rapidly displacing Steel, Aluminum, wood, and other plastics as the primary structural component in a variety of applications ranging from consumer products to aerospace. 


  • Corrosion Resistant: Superior to Stainless Steel, Aluminum, and Galvanized gratings.
  • Superior Strength: 50% higher tensile strength than hot rolled Steel and better impact resistance
  • Electrical Insulator: The fiberglass composite is both non-magnetic and electrically non-conductive.
  • Low Thermal Conductivity: Reduces the need for insulation and prevents the formation of condensation.
  • Lightweight: Lighter and less dense than Aluminum, fiberglass is easy to handle and economical to transport.
  • Dimensional Stability: Expansion and contraction is 24% and 50% less than Aluminum and Steel, respectively.
  • Fabrication: Cutting and machining can be done with diamond tipped router, easily joined mechanically.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Bolted Cable Trays, Copper Contact, Double Sided Double W Beam Barriers, Double Sided Single W Beam Barriers, Earthing Materials For Transmission Tower, Electrical Earthing Materials For Transmission Tower, Electrical Transmission Tower Earthing Materials, F. R. P. Gratings, Galvanized Cables Trays, Galvanizing Service, Gi Earthing Materials, Guard Rail Systems, Heavy Duty Grating, Heavy Duty Gratings, Heavy Duty M. S. Grating, Hot Dip Galvanized Gratings, Hot Dip Galvanizing, Ladder Type Cable Trays, M. S. Gratings, Median Barrier, Mild Steel Grating, Perforated Cable Trays, Products, Single Sided Single Thrie Beam Barriers, Single Sided Single W Beam Barriers, Single Thrie Beam Barrier, Single Thrie Beam Barriers, Solar Panel Mounting Structure, Solar Structure, Stainless Steel Gratings, Stair Treads, Steel Gratings, Steel Stair Treads, Substation Towers, Transmission Tower Earthing Materials, W Beam Barrier, W Beam Crash Barrier